
SUSINCHAIN interactive workshop in Porto contributes to several foresight and scenario envisioning tasks on protein provision for feed and food in Europe

SUSINCHAIN Scenario Workshop, Porto, Portugal

The two-day interactive workshop took place in Porto on June 30- July 1st. The event gathered 19 participants and aimed to discuss the list of drivers affecting the future development of insect-as-food/feed sector in Europe as well as develop the scenarios of the insects’ sector future.

During the workshop, participants were divided in 2 groups to develop different scenario storylines, focusing both on the insect-as-food sector and on the insect-as-feed sector. The groups have also discussed how drivers may be combined to form storylines for insect food /feed sector by 2035 in EU.

As a result of a group work, synthetic schemes for final scenarios were produced. After the critical discussion the full set of four stories together in a coherent format was brought, so that each was distinct from the others, yet all four formed a related set. A report on the results of the workshop will be produced and made available on the project website.